- Patron Policies
The Board of Trustees has established the following rules in order to maintain an environment in which patrons can be assured of a positive library experience:
- Patrons will respect the rights of other patrons and library staff at all times. They may not interfere with staff or the performance of their duties and will comply with lawful direction given by them.
- Patrons shall not disturb others using the library. Any sort of disruptive behavior, including sexual harassment, the use of abusive, obscene or threatening language, exhibitionism, voyeurism, nudity of any kind, including bare feet and/or bare chests and/or the use of cell phones and/or pagers is prohibited. Patrons shall conduct conversations in a manner that does not disturb other patrons or library staff.
- Verbal or physical abuse of staff or patrons will not be tolerated.
- Patrons shall not bring pets into the library, with the exception of service dogs, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- The sale of goods or services is forbidden by any person or agency other than the Fairview Public Library except by permission of the Library Director.
- Any illegal activities on library property, including the use of alcohol or illegal drugs and/or the possession of weapons of any kind are prohibited. In addition, loitering or panhandling on the library property or grounds will not be tolerated.
- Patrons will utilize facilities for purposes normally associated with a library, but not sleeping, bathing or washing clothes, using skateboards, in-line skates, balls, etc. Bicycles and other wheeled vehicles must be left outside the building.
- Parents, guardians or caregivers are responsible for the safety, behavior and supervision of their children at all times in the library and on library property as per the library’s Unattended Children’s Policy. Adult persons shall not use any Youth Services or Young Adult space to participate in any age-based programs when not a parent, legal guardian, caregiver, educator or relative of a participating age-appropriate child.
- Patrons shall not deface or mar library materials, furnishings, walls, equipment or any other library property. This includes placing feet on furniture, walls or computer columns and removing screens from computers. Patrons may not rearrange or disarrange library furnishings or materials.
- Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes is banned from ALL Library property, including inside the building.
- Cameras or any other video recording devices may not be used unless prior permission of the Library Director is received.
- Patrons shall check out with a valid library card all materials and/or equipment removed from the library.
Library staff or the on duty volunteer will inform patrons who violate one or more of these rules of the Patron Code of Conduct. If the violation is one that cannot be ended immediately or if the patron persists in the violation, library staff or the on duty volunteer will ask the patron to leave.
Continuing violations or refusals to cooperate with the staff or volunteer may result in a loss of library privileges. A patron who believes he or she has been wrongfully treated by library staff or on duty volunteer may ask for a review of the incident by the Library Director. A patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Fairview Public Library Board of Trustees for additional consideration.
Readopt 5.14.20