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Your gift helps keep the Library’s vital services free for our community.
Your support helps us fund our collections, resources, Internet access, children’s story hours, and so much more. Government funding pays only a portion of the Library’s operating expenses. Your gift in any amount is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
You can also make your donation a monthly gift to provide the Library with much needed, steady support.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.
Your Gift
Ways to Give
Leave a Legacy
What have libraries meant to you in your life? A charitable gift to Fairview Public Library in your will or trust or by beneficiary designation is an enduring way to keep the joy of reading and learning alive for future generations. Here’s how you can make a bequest:
The full legal name of the Library is: Fairview Public Library.
The legal address of the Library is: 43 Walnut Street, Margaretville, NY 12455.
Thee Library’s Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) is: 14-1561972
Your support is deeply appreciated. For gifts of securities, insurance, or other assets, please consult your planned giving advisor.
Monthly Giving
Monthly giving is efficient, easy to set up and provides reliable funding to sustain the Library over the long term.
Your monthly donation goes to work immediately; your credit card is automatically billed each month — no need to find a stamp or envelope. You set your donation amount—as little as $5 a month will help strengthen the Library. You can change your monthly donation or cancel at any time.
Thank you for your partnership in our efforts to provide the best possible service to our community.